The News from Borleymere.
The Beautiful Bee Orchid
The small but flamboyant bee orchid doing a very good impression of a bee!
Constable Country
A lovely walk this morning with Constable views across the fields.... finally we've had a bit of rain and everything is really lush.
This wild crab apple by the water's edge has had the most magnificent blossom this year, bodes well for a good crop.
The Beth Chatto Gardens
I've just been to The Beth Chatto Gardens for my annual Spring visit. It really is a wonderful place and if you are a garden lover well worth a visit. It's a fifty minute drive from [...]
Spotted… The First Duckling of 2017!
I've just seen this little fella who was in the reeds looking for mum, he can only be a day or two old.
Deckchairs on the Jetty
Enjoying the glorious April sunshine.
The Beautiful Hellebore
Seasonal flowers for the Shepherd's Hut and as we kick off this season it's the beautiful Hellebores turn
The new season starts
What a beautiful Spring day to start our 2017 season. The Shepherd's Hut looks lovely and we've just welcomed our first guests.
Popular Duckhouse
Last year the new duckhouse that Jeremy made went down very well with this gang of ducklings. We are hoping it will be as popular in 2017.
Spring is on its Way
It feels as though it has been a slow start but the woodland is now waking up to Spring and there is a carpet of beautiful primroses along the waters edge